Winchester B2B Business Expo 2024

This is me (Charlotte Darter) at the Winchester B2B Business Expo 2024, held at the Holiday Inn, Winchester!

Last Thursday marked a significant milestone for Winchester with the inaugural Winchester B2B Business Expo 2024. As the director and founder of DART Freelance Writing Services Limited, I had the pleasure of attending this wonderful event.

The expo provided a fantastic platform for local businesses to network, learn, and showcase their innovative solutions. For me, it was an invaluable experience filled with insights and connections that will undoubtedly benefit my work and clients.

The expo kicked off with an engaging session by Beth Stallwood, who shared invaluable insights on building meaningful, reciprocal relationships that support both personal and professional growth.

In her session, Beth delved into how to move beyond traditional networking to create reciprocal relationships that enhance both personal and professional life. She covered several key areas, including:

  • Understanding Passive and Active Networks: Differentiating between these two types of networks and how to effectively engage with each.

  • The Six Squad Roles: Introducing the concept of squad roles and how investing in these roles can yield significant benefits.

  • The Power of Gratitude and Help: Emphasizing the importance of practicing gratitude and seeking assistance when needed.

  • Being an Excellent Squaddie: Offering tips on how to be a supportive and effective member of someone else's squad.

Beth Stallwood is a renowned coach, facilitator, speaker, consultant, and author, and the founder of Create WorkJoy. With two decades of experience, Beth has honed a practical and passionate approach that gets to the core of individual and organizational challenges. Her expertise spans learning, development, and organizational culture, making her a sought-after consultant for a diverse range of clients, from global corporations to tech startups, sports bodies, charities, and educational institutions.

Beth holds an MA in Human Resource Management and an Advanced Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring. She is also an accomplished author, with her book WorkJoy: A Toolkit for a Better Working Life offering practical advice for achieving a fulfilling work life. Additionally, her podcast, The WorkJoy Jam, provides listeners with insights and tips on cultivating joy in their professional lives.

Another standout session I attended was Alex Bray's seminar titled ‘The Success Formula: Overcome Your Fears to Take The Next Big Step And Grow Your Business’.

From his experience as a Royal Marines Commando, Alex shares how he overcame his fears in the world of business. Entrepreneurs are often held back from growing because of change. Fear lurks as a formidable barrier to progress. Alex unveiled a transformative approach to conquer fear, centered on a triangular method. By leveraging this framework, entrepreneurs can navigate the daunting landscape of uncertainty and emerge victorious.

Each facet of the triangle serves as a pillar of enablement, offering unique insights and tools for overcoming fear. Attendees discovered how to confront challenges with courage and cultivate the resilience necessary for sustained success.

Alex showed how to unlock the secrets of fearlessness in business. By embracing the power of this triangular strategy, attendees left feeling empowered to confront fear head-on, welcome change, and thrive amidst adversity.

Alex Bray is a seasoned expert in overcoming adversity and empowering others to do the same. As a former Royal Marines Commando, Alex brings a wealth of experience from one of the world's most challenging environments. His journey from humble beginnings through childhood violence, poverty, homelessness, and the intense pressures of military life, including PTSD, has forged a resilient and determined character.

Alex has channeled his experiences into a career dedicated to personal development and leadership. He is an acclaimed author, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner, and a sought-after coach on resilience, leadership, and success mindset. In addition to his coaching and consulting work, Alex shares his insights as a vlogger and course creator, helping individuals and business owners alike to conquer their fears and achieve their goals.

With a unique approach that blends practical strategies with motivational guidance, Alex is committed to helping entrepreneurs build the resilience needed to navigate the uncertainties of business and life. His mission is to empower others to overcome their fears, embrace change, and blaze their own path to success.

The exhibition floor was brimming with innovative products and services. One standout was Mythic Software, creators of Clockwork CRM. Their bespoke software solutions offer unique features that streamline SME business operations and enhance customer relationship management.

One of the most valuable aspects of the expo was the speed networking event. I had the chance to connect with lots of local businesses and entrepreneurs in just 20 minutes! These interactions are crucial for staying informed and connected within the industry (and also perfecting my elevator pitch).

Overall, the Winchester Business Expo 2024 was a resounding success. It provided a platform for learning, networking, and discovering the latest industry trends. As the director of DART Freelance Writing Services Limited, I am grateful for the opportunity to attend and look forward to implementing the insights gained. If you haven't attended this expo before, I highly recommend marking it on your calendar for next year. Hi, I'm Charlotte Darter, the founder of DART Freelance Writing Services Limited. I help organizations like yours write powerful and inclusive content because I LOVE writing and I think you'll love my writing too!

I’d love to hear about your experiences if you also attended the expo! Please share your highlights in the comments below. If you want to stay connected and discuss these insights further, feel free to reach out to me on [Social Media Platform]. Let’s continue the conversation!


Did you know that ducks have regional accents? 🦆


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