Did you know that ducks have regional accents? 🦆

Did you know that ducks have regional accents? 🦆

Yup! Dr. Victoria de Rijke from Middlesex University found that London ducks have louder, rougher quacks to compete with city noise, while rural ducks produce longer, more relaxed sounds.

These vocal patterns even mirror the speech of humans in the same areas!

Why am I telling you this?

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of visiting the river Arle (my mindfulness after a busy week) in Alresford and discovered a wonderful initiative started by Amy, a lifelong resident.

Amy, who has complex learning difficulties, Epilepsy, and Scoliosis, has found a meaningful way to connect with her community and support the local wildlife.

With the help of her dad, Amy creates and distributes special food bags for the ducks and swans at the river.

This activity not only brings joy and purpose to Amy's day but also helps improve her physical and cognitive abilities.

Plus, it's a much healthier alternative for the ducks, swans, and the river ecosystem compared to feeding them bread!

Amy and her dad rely on contributions to keep this lovely initiative going.

If you'd like to support their efforts, please consider donating via the link below.

Your help will ensure that Amy can continue this valuable activity and that our feathered friends get the nutrition they need.

You can donate using this link (Amy’s Duck Food Table | Amy’s Duck Food Table (Powered by Donorbox)) and you can use Apple Pay so there’s really no excuse not to 🤣)!!

Thank you for your support!


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