My Favourite 3 Audiobooks of 2024!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably found that audiobooks are the perfect way to squeeze in some quality “reading” time while juggling the chaos of daily life.

When I'm cleaning, doing admin, or just lounging around, my audiobooks keep me company.

Today, I wanted to share my top three audiobooks that have totally rocked my world recently:

1. "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

This book is a total game-changer for anyone looking to ditch bad habits and build good ones. James Clear’s advice is super practical and has helped me make tiny changes that led to huge improvements.

It’s like having a personal coach in your ear, cheering you on! I walked away feeling like a productivity ninja ready to conquer the world.

2. "Becoming" by Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama’s memoir is a beautiful and inspiring journey from the South Side of Chicago to the White House.

Hearing her narrate her own story? Pure gold. It felt like having a heart-to-heart with a wise, warm friend. By the end, I was ready to run for office—or at least tackle my next big goal with confidence.

3. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

This classic tale of Santiago, a shepherd on a quest to find his personal legend, is pure magic. The narration brings out all the mystical and philosophical vibes in a way that’s truly captivating.

It’s like an adventure for your soul, reminding you that the journey is just as important as the destination. It left me feeling hopeful and ready to chase my own dreams.

These audiobooks have not only entertained me but also left me with nuggets of wisdom and a whole lot of inspiration. They’ve become my trusty sidekicks in this wild ride called life.

If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and check them out—they might just change your life too.

Alright, now it’s your turn!

What are your top audiobook recommendations?

Drop your favorites in the comments—I’m always on the hunt for my next great listen!

Happy listening, folks!


Hi, I'm Charlotte Darter, director and founder of DART Freelance Writing Services Limited and a proudly autistic/neurodivergent writer!

I help organisations like yours write powerful and inclusive content because I LOVE writing and I think you'll love my writing too!


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